Try MFI Calc free for 10 days
With an MFI Calc membership, you get 1 year of access to 4 fuel injection jetting calculators that will enable you to virtually jet your MFI engine according to the local weather and elevation. You also get weather updated much more frequently in our growing list of track weather.
See MFI Calc in action!
Learn more about MFI Calc
or try ProCalc free for 10 days by filling out the form below:
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Features include:
- Up to 8 cylinders with up to 4 jets per cylinder, 1 main bypass and up to 2 high speed bypasses
- For normally (naturally) aspirated, blown, or turbocharged 4 cycle, 2 cycle, or rotary engines
- For racing engines on methanol or nitromethane; also E85 or gas
- Up to 3 Baselines for storing different engine setups
- Calculate main bypass and system pressure
- Re-calculate specific engine nozzles
- Export data as a csv file
- Calculations are based on air-fuel ratio which is a proven method of maintaining consistency
- Access your calculations on your internet-enabled cell phone while at the track.
- Ad-free use of the whole site
- Track weather updated approx every 5 minutes
Fill out the form to start your free trial today!
Want to see what MFI Calc can offer? Try it free for 10 days and see for yourself!
If you have a constant flow mechanical fuel injection race engine running methanol or nitro fuel, try out MFI Calc for accurate setup and tuning. After 10 days, you will have the option to pay for a full year of access.
fine print:
-Check your spam folder if you do not receive your confirmation email. If the emails are sent to your spam folder, please whitelist the domain in order to receive future correspondence.
-Your email address is not shared with third parties. It is used to resend lost passwords and to send occasional announcements regarding your subscription.
-After 10 days, you can pay for the full year by logging in and going to the account page.
-Questions or comments can be directed here.