Historical Weather Data
Note that this article is taken from our partner site at AirDensityOnline.com. This information is useful for users of both sites.
We've gotten a few questions recently asking about historical weather data. We just added the option to view hourly weather including air density, density altitude, and grains for past dates!
- Log into your account on MFIcalc.com
- Visit the list of worldwide racing tracks to find your track. If you don't see your track listed, let us know and we'll add it.
- Click on the [H] next to your track in order to view yesterday's weather.
- To select a different date, click in the field in the top right of the screen and select your date. Click submit.
- The new date will load displaying weather data for that track. Please note that historical dates go back to August 8, 2021.
If you are viewing the current weather for your track, you can click the historical link on the more info line just below the wind direction entry. Keep in mind you can still enter your own weather data to get DA in our free calculator.
Hopefully this will help when looking for weather from past dates!
Related Articles on MFI Calc:
Other Resources:
National Weather Service Glossary